Episode 10: Injustice of Criminal Justice | Marijuana.

Photo by Taufiq Klinkenborg

There was a time when selling or smoking marijuana was illegal across all states. If you got caught with the substance in your possession, it could lead up to prison time for some and maybe parole for others. Forbes.com ran an article that mentioned there is an estimated 40,000 Americans incarcerated for marijuana offenses while the cannabis business is booming. Cannabis is now legal in 34 states for either recreational purposes or medicinal use and more states continue to join in on the money-making phenomenon. Many Activists are asking, why are so many people still locked up if the state that convicted them has now made the drug legal to use?

According to USA Today, both white and black people use marijuana at the same rate; however, blacks are 6x more likely to be arrested for pot possession than whites in states with the largest disparities, which included Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, and Washington D.C.

We live in a world with a broken justice system. There are too many minorities behind bars with aggressive sentences for possession or distribution of marijuana. Something must change. It is morally inhuman to leave a person locked up for a crime that they were convicted of that is now allowing others to profit from?

We’d like to welcome you to our Tenth Episode of Authentic Filters: Injustice of Criminal Justice | Marijuana. There’s been a lot of uproar in protesting for those that are behind bars for what many others are doing today freely. If you or someone you know has been a victim of this situation, we’d like to hear from you. If you enjoyed this episode, please head over to Apple Podcast or wherever you listen to Share with others, subscribe, and leave a 5-star review.

Anthony West

Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and whatever else inspires me.


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