A “Renaissance” Indeed | Monkey Pox Prevention? | Knock Knock At The Mar-O-Lago


That’s that Na-Na…said Queen Bey on her highly acclaimed Seventh Studio album “Renaissance”. Dedicated to her Late Uncle Jonny, it’s as vibrant as it is brilliant. With Cheeky lyrics & melodic beats, Beyoncé’s artistry shines brightly in music that is beautiful from beginning to end. Act I makes you dance, laugh, smile, and most certainly feel good. It’s hard enough to create one album where every song hits, but to do it again and again….baby you got to be an Alien Superstar. 

As if the COVID pandemic wasn’t enough, a visibly sinister looking virus is now making waves. Monkey pox, a member of the small pox family, originally started in the tropical rainforest regions of Central and West Africa. How then did the virus makes its way to the UK and spread wildly from there? We may never know; but one things for sure and two things are for certain, healthy and clean hygiene habits are as important now as they’ve ever been. Misinformation initially spread that only certain “groups” of people were susceptible to Monkey pox but that just isn’t true. Take the time to do your research with helpful resourced like: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/index.html | to better understand how it works and symptoms to look out for. Also, at the very least…wash your hands. 

Ding Dong! Word on the street is somebody tipped off the FBI in Trump’s inner circle. Hmmmm, we wonder who??? Mar-O-Lago was the center of attention just recently as it was raided for what the FBI believed to have held top secret governmental documents that the former President was not supposed to be in possession of. Mind you, these are documents that have to deal with “National Security”!  Initially, the documents from the raid were to remain sealed, but a federal judge did unseal the search warrant which highlighted over 20 boxes of documents were taken, information on the president of France, and note, the executive grant for clemency for Mr. Stone, among other items. As with you, we too are going to see how this plays out, in our bed with our shades like the Tiffany Pollard meme. 

Before & After of the “Buffalo” Project: https://www.twolaneconcepts.com/

Welcome back and welcome to the official kick-off to Season Four of Authentic Filters! Over 10,000 downloads, we can’t thank you enough. This is going to be an exciting 12 episode season that will take us to the Holidays and we know you’re ready for the ride! Let’s keep those downloads coming and the reviews. You know what time it is…Let's Get Into It.

Anthony West

Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and whatever else inspires me.




Netflix and…? | The War Continues