The Outlet Part III


Photo by: Burak The Weekender


If y’all thought Quiet Quitting was the in thing, think again. It turns out Over Employment is the next come up and that work from home schedule just might be the cover needed to make it happen. Working 2 & 3 jobs is nothing new, but when you’re working those jobs on someone else’s clock, it’s a hard act to keep up. And maybe, just maybe….they are connected.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: ALWAYS BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Just recently a local Kansas City woman escaped what seemed to be the likes of the latest horror movie. Kidnapped, locked in a basement, and tortured for weeks on end. If you see something, say something; From the gruesome details to preventative measures, we’re diving in.

Imagine waking up, going on your morning walk, and getting shot to death by a crazed 15 year old. Not a fun vision huh? Well, it certainly wasn’t for North Carolina residence who have been traumatized by the latest Mass Shooting that took the lives of 5 and a dog by a 15 year old. We’re looking for more than thoughts and prayers; we’re looking for action and with the mid-terms coming up, it’s time to make that happen. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and the senseless killings have got to stop. 

Support Black Businesses / Entrepreneurs

Do you love a home that smells good: Lauren Paige Collection

Tyler Perry’s New Movie: A Jazzman’s Blues

Welcome to Season Four of Authentic Filters. If you enjoyed what you listened to and want to keep the conversation going, be sure to like, subscribe, and share with your family and friends on Apple Podcast or wherever you listen! We want to thank you for taking the journey with us thus far and we're excited to see where it goes next! Let's Get Into It.

Anthony West

Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and whatever else inspires me.


Something is a Brewing


Roe v. Wade