Business 101


Photo by: Tirachard Kumtanom


If you’ve ever thought about starting a business, then this is the podcast you should be listening to. This episode will provide you with a wealth of knowledge on how both Lisa & Anthony were able to pursue two business ventures that are generating profitable revenue streams. If you can find what you’re passionate about and if it can possibly make you money along the way, then the next step would be to turn your idea(s) into a business. 

There are several business ventures that require little start-up costs, like the candle making business, while others will require more funding to get started such as remodeling homes. Regardless, starting any new business venture, requires discipline and dedication to see it through to fruition. Any new business ideas that you know nothing about will entail a level of educating yourself to have a better understanding of how to get started. 

Things to think about when starting a new business:

  • Write down your ideas

  • How do I get started?

  • What service or product are you going to provide?

  • Will you be able to generate income from this business idea?

  • How much will it cost to jump start your business?

  • Where will your funding come from?

  • Network with others that are already in the business and/or that share the same vision as you

In Closing, when people decide to be negative all the time and seldom see the positive things in life and constantly complain about everything,  it’s called, “Misery loves Company”. Life is too short to be negative all the time. Finding happiness is more fulfilling. 

See our latest remodel:

Shop our awesome candles:

Welcome to Season Four of Authentic Filters. If you enjoyed what you listened to and want to keep the conversation going, be sure to like, subscribe, and share with your family and friends onApple Podcast or wherever you listen! We want to thank you for taking the journey with us thus far and we're excited to see where it goes next! Let's Get Into It.

Anthony West

Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and whatever else inspires me.


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