Reparations II


It’s been over 400 years and African Americans still have not received reparations for the brutal dehumanization and injustice that was inflicted on our ancestors during the era of slavery. 

When President Lincoln signed the Proclamation of Emancipation into law, slaves were promised 40 acres and a Mule, but they never received anything when they were set free. Instead, the slave master was compensated $300 for every slave they had to set free. The reason why is because without the labor of slaves, the land would suffer, and they would lose money. That era was the start of the wealth gap amongst whites and blacks.

Just recently, Professor William Darity at Duke University conducted two studies. The first study Mr. Darity performed was to see how much each African American is owed for reparations. His review shows descendants of slaves are owed roughly $350,000. He also did another study to see how large the wealth gap is amongst whites and blacks. Study reveals that white Americans are leading the wealth gap by roughly $840,000.

The government has paid out reparations to the Holocaust survivors, the Native Americans, and Japanese Americans just to name a few. Now, reparations were owed to these folks for what they had to endure; however, African Americans are the only race that hasn’t received reparations for slavery.

Now is the time that all descendants of slaves be compensated for the inhuman torture that was inflicted on our ancestors many centuries ago. The only way to make things right is to make a large cash payment for our suffrage and an apology acknowledging how blacks were treated.

Welcome to the Season Five Finale Episode Twelve of Authentic Filters! If you enjoyed what you watched and/or listened to and want to keep the conversation going, be sure to like, subscribe, and share with your family and friends onApple Podcast, Youtube or wherever you listen! We want to thank you for taking the journey with us thus far…Let's Get Into It.

Anthony West

Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, and whatever else inspires me.


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